One of the great icons in the world. The Sydney Opera House in its evening glory. It's possibly a more beautiful building at night than during the day, though it might be because I go there at night usually to watch the Sydney Symphony. This was taken with my toy zoom (the affectionate name for my 28-100mm G lens) set at 90mm at 30 seconds exposure at f8. Taken from the same location as the previous one with the two sandstone rocks.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
The 5th location for my "expedition" was just under the Harbour Bridge. If you look carefully at the bottom left and right you will see two pieces of sandstone. They are in focus and made by my 24mm f2.8D lens (thanks to Denise for courier-ing this back for me from HK).
Posted by
10:26 am
The 3rd location for my film shoot was Observatory Hill but those ones didn't quite turn out because there was low cloud. This 4th location was on Walsh Bay and is an attempt to capture the lights of North Sydney. Notice the Harbour Bridge curling towards the focal point of the picture just left of Luna Park (that big bright yellow light in the middle of the picture). Taken with 24mm f2.8D on its side.
Posted by
10:24 am
Word of warning re: Harbour pics
Just a word of warning. Since they were posted by Picasa they are not as sharp as they could otherwise be, they may be better viewed by saving them onto your computer and then viewing at 50% or 100% using Picture Viewer in MS Explorer.
Posted by
10:16 am
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Yes, I did mention I like photos didn't I?
One of the world's great sights in all its night glory. Sorry about the left pylon being brighter than the right; that's because there was extra lighting on the left pylon for the sake of the unions, who had paid for (I assume) advertising space to spread recognition for their battle against the Howard government's proposed Industrial Relations reforms.
Being able to take such a picture really makes you marvel at the natural beauty of the harbour that God has bestowed so graciously to us.
Posted by
7:23 pm
As I said...I like photos...
Photography is my new hobby.
Thanks to Ben and Pete for sharing a great night with me on the harbour. All photos except the ones of the Opera House were taken with a 24mm f2.8D lens mounted on my Nikon F80 camera. They all have different f-stops and shutter exposure times. The one of the Opera House was taken with a 28-100mm f3.5-5.6G zoom set at 90mm. Ask me if you want to know where I shot them from exactly.
There is something addictive about this "sport" and I just want to get better. I still have a long way to go of course, but I realised that Sydney is extremely photogenic and I think even more so at night.
In this picture, note the handrail which runs right along towards the central focal point of the picture. This was taken with a 24mm lens on its side. The Opera Bar is below and forms a secondary focal point. Note the line that runs towards the focal point between the umbrellas.
Posted by
6:25 pm
Weddings, Photos etc.
I like weddings. And I like photos.
My cousin Cedric was married on Saturday and it was great. Firmly Christ-centred ceremony, great music and ample photo taking opps.
I wish you all the best in your future life with Jenni, Cedos, and may God bless your marriage.
Posted by
6:15 pm