Friday, March 02, 2007

It's begun

Well, working life has begun.

And I was warned, and I'm glad that I was warned. Full-time secular work is dangerous. It is dangerous spiritually, it is dangerous mentally, it is dangerous emotionally and it is dangerous physically.

KPMG flew us down to Melbourne for NGI- National Graduate Indoctrin...oops Induction. Every single graduate (499 in all) met at Flemington race course to be indoctrinated by the 4 blue squares - and its accompanying troupe of CEO, national managing partners in the 3 divisions of Audit, Tax and Advisory to find out how PwC are the biggest, but KPMG is the best amongst other things.
I met a lot of fellow grads, particularly in tax and at tax camp afterwards. It was good to get to know some non-Christian people and they are valuable colleagues and gospel harvest. Tax camp in particular was challenging in straddling the line between being all things to all men and having the gospel shining through us.
Work has been really hard and I'm getting really tired easily but such are the challenges that God throws at us. It makes us stronger. I had a great gospel conversation with my senior on the first day - it started with a "what's planned for the weekend?" - he lives in Caringbah which is on the same line and we talked for about 30-40 minutes on the way to the station and on the train. Do pray for him, he used to go to church but fell away.
I'm getting very tired very easily, so I've tried to do more exercise and sleeping earlier (I don't know how effective it is but it's 11:06pm and I should sleep...

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